Thursday, May 8, 2008

Shriners Hospital treats Olivia well!


Olivia had surgery a week ago today. She is doing really well. I (mommy) am having a hard time keeping her down! The Shriners organization is absolutely wonderful! Every person that had a part in her care was amazing. We are so thankful to them. Here are a few pictures.


I just had medicine!

I don't feel like having my picture taken just now!

My Great Grandma gave me a phone to help me not be so sad.

I got to go to pet therapy in the wagon!

They were so cute!

At home I feel better and I can cook for you!

Can you sit up straight and lift both legs off the floor and not fall over?


Anonymous said...

Mystina, Olivia is looking great!
Continued Blessings..Yvonne G
from Z group

Anonymous said...

Dear Ken, Mystina, Micha & Olivia~
So glad all went well with Olivia's
surgery. Great to see the pictures
& hear that Olivia is doing well.
We've been thinking about her.
Keep us posted. Love to all of you,