Thursday, August 16, 2007

Just Simple Cute~ness

We are just the luckiest family in the world. Dear God thank you for this precious gift. She is learning more and more english every day. The other day she woke up and I brought her into our room to lay in bed next to me to watch TV for a little bit. She turned and tapped me on the shoulder and said "Mommy...I lough ewe" which is how she says I love you. Now I still don't know if she really understands what that means, but is was completely unsolicited and that is what made it such a special moment. Anyway here are some more pictures to enjoy.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Home 2 months and 1 week!!!

SOOOOO much has happened since I last posted. Each day that I wake up with this precious girl in my house I thank God and am in awe that we have the honor of spending our lives with her. She's funny, cute, amazing, smart, adorable, and has her "pistol" moments too (as any two year old does), but those are by far overshadowed by everything else. She loves her brother and playing with him. They have a great time together. She has adjusted amazingly well and is thriving. I am so blessed and privileged to have her call me mommy!
Here are just a few pictures to enjoy:

She has an glorious smile that is so priceless! Thank you God for letting us share her life.