Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Four wonderful months!

Wow does time fly! Vivia as she now calls herself has been home for 4 months. She is doing so well. She is a normal 2 year old, getting into mischief and saying that all favorite word "NO". But she is also a lot of fun.

This last weekend we had the wonderful opportunity to go Charleston, SC and spend some time at the beach for the very "low" cost of nothing (except a tank of gas)! Both kids LOVED the beach. While there we also got to meet our wonderful case worker from our adoption agency. We spent about an hour to and hour and a half with her. It was so special. We really love her and are so thankful that we got to work with her to bring Olivia home. Here are some pictures of the trip.


First Morning Stroll

Our WONDERFUL Case Worker

Sand Sculptures

Sand Princess ...Watch out for those waves...

True Concentration!

Oh man the waves washed away all my work...

All smiles

Awesome big brother

Sunset with Daddy

And Mommy

A beautiful end to a great day.