Thursday, February 19, 2009

It was a gorgeous week for Valentine's Day!

We were able to get out to the park with some very special friends! They had so much fun together and really enjoyed the sunshine. During the course of our adoption we have met many families, but this family has become very near and dear to our hearts. We all get along really well and always have a wonderful time together.

Young "Love"

Girl Friends

Olivia XinYun

Slip Slidin' Away


Monkey Bars

Cute Inteligence

Angelic Beauty

Handsome Mischievousness

Special Friends

Bad, Bad Mommy!

I should have posted waaaaayyyyy before now! I is just so much easier to use my facebook! Micah has just recently started horseback riding lessons. He really enjoys them. Olivia really likes Red Dog. He is one of the most gentle dogs I have ever met. Anyway here are some pictures: